A little while ago I ran into an old friend in Eindhoven, excited as I am, I told her about all my plans and my website with blogs. She immediately said “yeah you’ve always enjoyed writing” and she reminded me of my “geluks-momenten boekje” or lucky moments book. In my Lucky Moments Books I wrote (and still sometimes write) down many moments of luck and happiness, and I used a certain style to do so. Every new page started with a nice quote I picked up from a movie or book or wherever. And further more, every lucky moment would start with “zomaar…” which means something like “just like that…” because I believe that lucky moments should be normal and anytime. Reminded and inspired by this, I think it suits to start my blogs with a quote or a lucky moment.

Just like that, sitting in Café the Zwaan, looking at satisfied people and my friends/colleagues who do their thing.

I also want to note that originally, I will write all my blogs in English and from there translate to Dutch. I enjoy English a lot and since I’m going to travel abroad I wish to make my blogs accessible for my international friends. In all fairness, I translate my blogs to Dutch mainly because my dear lovely grandma wants to read everything too 😉.

Now to the point of this blog, which is explaining what I’m doing now. I’ve shared my plans briefly, introduced Mountain Child Care and asked you all for money haha, however, I’m not sitting on my ass and expecting you to pay. At this very moment, 12 September 2019 4.40pm, I’m sitting at my favourite spot in Maastricht and my second home for the last 7 years; Café de Zwaan. This month and next month you can find me here almost every day, working as much as possible to earn money. Besides that, I got another job on the side, which is teaching inspiration classes in Secondary schools from next week. I work hard and I do also admit to create enough joyful days in between working. The money I earn goes to my savings for living and travelling around Nepal and later on, Australia.

So why, if I work hard and am able to travel, do I ask you for money. Well… the money I ask is a 100% for the QuestTrek of Mountain Child Care. Although I will work for the organisation without earning anything during my stay in Nepal, I also pay for my own food and living, the QuestTrek is a separated trajectory I will have to follow. For this they ask, same is asked of any participant from Europe, to collect a certain amount that goes to my own QuestTrek and also to that of a Nepalese youngster from the street. It’s not about asking people for money, MCC aims at involving people in this beautiful trajectory and their projects. By making me raise money in a different way than by working my job, they inspire me to get out of the box and use my talents. By sponsoring me, you support a young Nepalese in building his future, the organisation and their believes and on top of that you challenge me because I promise a workshop for all my sponsors when I return from Nepal.

I’m looking forward to sharing my experiences with you all and inviting my sponsors to the workshop. I like standing in front of a group and inspiring people into new insights. By giving a workshop, which I will create myself, I challenge myself and hopefully give something meaningful back to all my sponsors.  Also, in Nepal I will be working with the local team on the training days like I explained in “my question to you” post. It is very much out of my comfort zone and an amazing opportunity to take on. I’m eager to learn from the team and contribute my experiences to the team.

I hope you will stay tuned and enjoy my blogs about how the world amazes me and how I experience Nepal, the culture, the organisation and my own journey. Please feel free to comment or ask questions, and to share and follow my blogs!


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