We’re almost Deng was my brilliant joke of the day… Deng was the name of place where we would stop for lunch and hungry as he was Dain asked the question ‘how long…?’ so there ya go. Don’t ask a jolly hungry Amy questions haha. I would almost call it the forbidden question together with ‘Is it a long way up?’ I mean on a trekking; going up is a necessity and there is not really the opportunity to just stop anywhere apart from the set destination so those question won’t bring any good haha. Besides for me the philosophy of ‘we need to get there anyway’ was very comforting and kept me going. By now I got used to the daily routine of a trekking and ‘getting there’ was almost effortless. The lunch in Deng was great! Maybe the best Dal Bhat ever (mainly because they had fresh cabbage and carrots as well which is like luxury in the mountains). The sun was shining, and we had a great view from the picknick benches. We continued our hike to Bihi Phedi 1990m. On arrival I quickly changed my clothes and asked if there was a shower or hot shower. I was in luck; hot shower available hihi. The water was so hot that I had to fill a bucket first and then use a small bucket to pore the water on me, nevertheless this was the best(and first real) shower I had. Later I would realise that it would also be the last shower I’d have until I would be back from the trek… yeahhhh. The rest of the day was spent playing cards next to the fireplace in a lovely colourful wooden dining room with a little tv on.

The next day we were going to Namrung 2630m. The way would be fairly easy apart from a landslide area we needed to cross or go around which would take an extra hour going up… sooo landslide here we come. The hike to Namrung was amazing! Today was filled with new sights and wildlife spotting. We first had to conquer the landslide part but Sandip had asked locals who came from that direction and told us it was safe to cross so we went. I don’t know what I was thinking but it looked rather easy and safe… as long as there would be no rocks moving at least. I was the first to cross, on my left there was nothing apart from a steep hill down and a lot of rocks, on my right there was a steep hill up with rocks and, in my front there was a little trail steep up with little rocks that make my feet work really hard to hold position. Landslide crossing; piece of cake haha. We all made it safe across and continued our way into a denser forest area. We spotted blue sheep or wild goats on the steep hill across the river, hopping down like there was a clear path. I saw some sort of mouse thingy that is apparently called Pika in Nepali. But we didn’t figure that out until later on the trek, because we saw many more haha. At some point during the hike saw something fury “MONKEY MONKEY I SEE A MONKEY!”… woops the monkey ran away … luckily there were like 15 monkeys chilling in around that spot haha. I was so happy!!!! The place where we had lunch, Jungle Hotel, had squirrels running around, brids chirping and butterflies flying. And we even saw a musk on our last bit of hiking up to Namrung. I absolutely love wild life hihi. In Namrung we stayed in the most luxurious place there was because it was low season and thus cheaper. I treated myself a cinnamon role and bought ropes to make a friendship bracelet to kill the time till dinner. Besides the lovely fireplace room with windows they had toilets with toilet seats!!!! I enjoyed our stay there very much. 


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