The revenge of Moctezuma is what they call it in México…. Remember how life was good but kinda changed a bit? Now don’t get me wrong, I tend to drink enough water to fight a possible hangover but this was different. Early morning I woke up from a stabbing pain in my stomach and well, that stomach was emptied out quite quickly over the course of the remaining morning. By the time the others woke up the pain was still present and I was a pale as I could be. The plan was to go to one of the “magical villages” today for breakfast and ill as I felt, I really didn’t want to miss that. Denying the use of medicine, which was recommended by Pam and by a doctor’s advice, I did take a paracetamol and wished on the strength of my body to last the morning excursion. 

The fresh air did good and the paracetamol did its job. The village was about an hour drive away from the see into the hills. I slept during most of the drive until we came to a stop. A sign and some fences told us that the road was closed… The only road to get to the village… Hmmm so what do you do? You drive around the sign, duhhh! We came to drive upon a dirt road and the Jeep moved us in all possible directions haha normally I would feel jolly as a little kid but my belly was crying and so I kept quiet and tried to focus on the nature “wauw look, it’s dust on the bushes… Ow a flower *auwwww*” Go Amy Go Amy… Anyhow, the kid in me managed to take over when we noticed why the road was closed: there was no road haha or actually they were building a bridge but it was only half finished hahaha. Thank god for dry season because we had to cross the river hihi let’s go JEEP!!! There was still some water and we raced through wooooshhhh

After the little adventure we arrived in the picturesque village with even more colours and so many flowers! Andddd the incredible unseen sight of roofs with cacti growing on top! The cobblestone streets made the village even more magical and the sun seemed to be warmer here than at the seaside. We went for breakfast in the cutest place to be found. Never before did I enter a restaurant like that and it felt as if I could get lost wondering the maze of little trinkets, flora and fauna and colourful furniture. I felt sad about being ill because they had lovely complimentary local food for us to try and the menu looked incredible but I took the win of being able to even get there without dying. All of a sudden I spotted something green next to the stone piglet on the sort of balcony. I haven’t mentioned this before but the parents of Alex told me about the hijuanas in Mazatlán and ever since I’ve been eyeing to spot these lizards and gekko’s, without any luck until NOW! 

The joy of discovering a gekko took over and I forgot my belly ache for a second, I sneaked upstairs to try and take a better picture of the little friend. Walking around on the balcony felt surreal and even more dreamy when I discovered another massive hijuana!!! And another one! And another one!!! All of a sudden I realised I was in a freaking paradise of lizards!!!! Unfortunately for little ranger Amy, food arrived and I enjoyed my lovely chicken soup accompanied by the cries of alive chickens and cocks hopping around the table haha oops… And even seated I could see the hijuanas in the trees and on the roofs. Yes, I was in paradise, thank you universe and thank you my belly for staying strong enough for this adventure.

Unbelievable but this adventure became even more of a highlight when we left the restaurant. Observing the beautiful flowers and searching for more hidden hijuanas I saw and heard something incredible! A hummingbird appeared right in front of me, flapping its wings so fast making the sound of a massive bee or tiny helicopter. The little creature enjoyed the nectar of the flowers and within these few magical seconds before (s)he disappeared again I was flying of happiness to observe this little miracle. 

When we got back at the apartment I almost immediately crashed on the bed and although I considered of going out again or staying in and doing some admin stuff I didn’t even finish the considerations. I fell asleep straight away and didn’t move until the next morning. Turns out my body can handle a lot but the sleep was well needed and I was happy to have joined for the morning adventure, I’ll take the loss of the evening out haha. Tomorrow is another day 😉 



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