The saying goes like father like daughter, right? When I was 15 I was lucky enough to participate in the Consciousness Coaching MasterI because of my father. A mouth full, I know. At that time, my father, together with Joris Swinkels, was the proud licensee holder of these training courses in the Netherlands. Marc Steinberg, founder and head coach of the programme, was having dinner with us after one of the Master trainings. We were talking about the training and I showed my interest when Marc asked: what was stopping you from following the MasterI? Well… nothing. And so I joined the next MasterI , mainly out of interest in what my father did and my interest in awareness.

The first impression of the MasterI was that my parents already educated us a lot in awareness hahaha. Besides that I got very interested in awareness & coaching and the benefits of this in my and other people’s life. I followed the Master II & Master III in the following year. By the age of 16 I had grown from unnoticed of to present and heard, from confident to so confident that I could carry others, from an idea to a vision for life, from a shimmer one to shining bright. Coaching for me is inspiration, growth, movement, simple, a challenge, freedom, etc. The most beautiful thing I have ever seen is the impact of an insight, the switch at such a level that one can never go back to how things were before, real growth on many levels. To raise awareness and see multiple colours of white, to use language for creation, to stand in my own greatness and connect in a way that is so beautiful and open that I am afraid that the world is not there yet.

And that was what I experienced after the training. 7 years ago I already called myself a (student) life coach. Despite my recognized master’s certificates and my personal and communication growth, there was little understanding of what a coach is or interest in a coach. My friends showed some interest, but they don’t have much more specific information. I integrated my insights and knowledge, yet the ‘working on myself’ and awareness went a bit into the background. At that time, 2013, coaching was far from known in the world that I knew around me (besides my father and the still small coaching network). Unlike now, coaching is thriving. Fortunately! Because I really believe in the power of asking questions without your own agenda. Being a coach for someone without judgment, in the service of the other. Give someone the space to be and grow.

7 Years ago I already knew; this is what I will do and now I choose to get going on it. I now have my focus on coaching. I worked as a coach in Nepal with the local team to rewrite youth trainings. Since March I have been writing a Dutch training for young adults (18-25 years) in collaboration with my father, Charles Ruiters Coaching&Training. And finally, I am now active as a coach for 1 on 1 sessions. I focus on young adults and I am also open for others. How can I have meaning for you?

Do you have questions about coaching of interest in a getting-to-know coaching session? Please contact me at


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