The last two days were intense. In Samdo we decided not to cross the Larke pass because of the snowfall, which meant that we would go down. This decision happened early morning on day 10. Sandip woke me up at 5am because it started snowing. It was no snow storm just gently falling snow and everything got a first thin white layer. Sandip said that now would be the time to cross the pass, if the snow would stay like this, there would be no wind and also if we would wait too long there would be too much snow maybe the next day. SO we decided to wake Dain and meet downstairs in a bit. I was packed and ready to go! Let’s do this! Adventure time woohooo. However,… Dain couldn’t and didn’t want to. So back to bed, breakfast at 7. The YES and then NO drained my energy and with the snowfall I did not see Dain cross anytime soon. I was also scared for my own abilities I mean honestly I didn’t forget my struggles towards basecamp… So that morning during breakfast I gave Dain the ultimatum: either say that you can pass tomorrow morning and today we go to DHarmasalla, or we go down today. We made the right decision to go down; it kept snowing and later I heard from the French that is was scary to cross and it took even 9 hours for them to cross. This however, took away the goal of trekking to and replaced it with the goal to go home, I was done with trekking and ready to finish it. Dain however, was still not well and very very very slow. We hiked that day all day long through the snow and only got to the town Lho 3180m. Sandip and I tried our best to make fun, sing Christmas songs in the snow and pretend we are walking a new path since everything looks different with a layer of snow. We stayed there the night, happy to meet a father and son from Germany who formed new company for card games and stories. They were on their way up, happy and ready for the snow. In Lho I went to sleep with green surroundings and woke up in 5cm white layers of snow.

The next day, day 11, it took us almost 5 hours through the snow to get to Namrung 2630m which would normally take less than 3. In Namrung we ate lunch and Dain wanted to stay… NOOOOO. Sandip, my best friend and only light in these days decided that we had to go at least to Jungle hotel, because with the snow still falling, we would not be able to find the path the next morning. And so, in the late afternoon we started going further down. The snow was at least 25cm high if not more. It was literally stepping into each other’s footsteps to find the way down. Luckily the more we descent, the more the snowfall changed into wet snow, and finally rain. The last bit I hiked myself, because even with Sandip carrying Dain’s bag, he was still moving very slow and I was cold and wet and faster so Sandip told me it was okay for me to go ahead. It would soon get dark too. I prayed, I talked out loud when walking, I was going a bit crazy maybe but I felt guilty towards Sandip and angry to myself and frustrated because Dain was unwell and not doing something about it. I felt alone and tired and stupid. Sandip is the best guide and friend I could have wished for on this trek! And now he had to deal with Dain who is not moving and deal with me who wants to go down so bad… Anyways my prayers were not for me but for Dain and Sandip, that they would be safe and happy and feel better. I reached the hotel and later Sandip and Dain arrived. Sandip the jolly guy still smiling, I envy him haha. When Dain went to bed I could finally breath.


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